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多啦A夢綜合討論天地升級至version 3.0.2


多啦A夢綜合討論天地升級至version 3.0.2

未閱讀文章 #1樓, 由 野味大雄 » 2008-08-11, 週一 8:50 AM , 繁簡轉換:  

多啦A夢綜合討論天地已在今天正式升級至version 3.0.2
以下是詳細更新內容: ( http://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopi ... &t=1059565)

代碼: 選擇全部
[Fix] Ability to set permissions on non-mysql dbms (Bug #24955)
[Fix] Fixed blank style on setups having no username defined within config.php (Bug #25065)
[Fix] Made the compress_tar class tolerate archives that do not properly have their archived contents listed (Bug #14429 / thanks to JRSweets for his patch)
[Fix] Moved topics should not count towards the number of topics in a forum (Bug #14648 / thanks to Schumi for his patch)
[Fix] Properly check for invalid characters in MySQL DB prefixes during install (Bug #18775)
[Fix] Bring the PostgreSQL backup system back to working order (Bug #22385)
[Fix] Update correct theme for cached styles in style.php (Bug #25805)
[Fix] Correctly determine safe mode for temp file creation in functions_upload.php (Bug #23525)
[Fix] Correctly sort by rank in memberlist (Bug #24435)
[Fix] Purge cache after database restore (Bug #24245)
[Fix] Correctly display subforum read/unread icons from RTL in FF3, Konqueror and Safari3+. (thanks arod-1 for the fix, related to Bug #14830)
[Fix] Added missing form token in acp (thanks NBBN).
[Fix] Do not remove whitespace in front of url containing the boards url and no relative path appended (Bug #27355)
[Fix] reset forum notifications in viewtopic (Bug #28025)
[Fix] corrected link for searching post author's other posts (Bug #26455)
[Fix] HTTP Authentication supports UTF-8 usernames now (Bug #21135)
[Fix] Topic searches by author no longer return invalid results (Bug #11777)
[Fix] Delete drafts and bookmarks when deleting an user. (#27585, thanks Schumi for the fix)
[Fix] Set last_post_subject for new topics. (#23945)
[Fix] Allow moving posts to invisible forums. (#27325)
[Fix] Don't allow promoting unapproved group members (#16124)
[Fix] Correctly fetch server name if using non-standard port (#27395)
[Fix] Regular expression for email matching in posts will no longer die on long words.
[Fix] Do not display ban message if direct call to cron. (thanks Dog Cow for reporting)
[Fix] Correctly display double-colon on special conditions within highlighted php source (Bug #26795)
[Fix] Increase storage capacity of titles/subjects due to specialchared content (Bug #25235)
[Fix] Catch invalid username wildcard ban (we do not support these) (Bug #29305)
[Fix] Fix (email)-domain checks for those having DNS prefixes set (Bug #29635)
[Change] Adjust truncate_string() to be able to adjust the maximum storage length.
[Change] Sort the tables at the database table backup screen
[Change] For determining the maximum number of private messages in one box, use the biggest value from all groups the user is a member of (Bug #24665)
[Change] Show email ban reason on registration. Additionally allow custom errors properly returned if using validate_data(). (Bug #26885)
[Change] Don't allow redirects to different domains. (thanks nookieman)
[Feature] Added optional referer validation of POST requests as additional CSRF protection.
[Feature] Added optional stricter upload validation to avoid mime sniffing in addition to the safeguards provided by file.php. (thanks to Nicolas Grekas for compiling the list).
[Feature] Streamlined banning via the MCP by adding a ban link to the user profile. Also pre-fills ban fields as far as possible.
[Feature] Added ACP logout to reset an admin session.
[Sec] Only allow urls gone through redirect() being used within login_box(). (thanks nookieman)

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文章: 9858
註冊時間: 2003-12-05, 週五 4:27 PM
性別: 男
來自: 香港寶地上
稱號: 10歲打倒石石的
花名: 可愛的大雄
最愛: XBOX, 聊天, 看多啦A夢
狀態: 玩樂中
聲望值: 362

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