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多啦A夢小知識: 王國領土液

多啦A夢綜合討論天地升級至version 3.0.4


多啦A夢綜合討論天地升級至version 3.0.4

未閱讀文章 #1樓, 由 野味大雄 » 2008-12-17, 週三 8:17 AM , 繁簡轉換:  

因涉及安全性的更新、功能上的改善及效率上的提升, 多啦A夢綜合討論天地已在今天正式升級至version 3.0.4
以下是詳細更新內容: ( http://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopi ... &t=1352565 )
如會員發現了任何錯誤, 請立即告知, 以便我們解決

代碼: 選擇全部
[Fix] Allow mixed-case template directories to be inherited (Bug #36725)
[Fix] Regression bug from revision #8908 regarding log display in ACP
[Fix] Allow the UCP group management to work for groups with avatars. (Bug #37375)
[Fix] Fix header list build for replying oldest PM in PM history (Bug #37275)
[Fix] Do not display COPPA group in memberlist find member dialog if COPPA disabled (Bug #37175)
[Fix] Do not try to send jabber notifications if no jid entered (Bug #36775)
[Fix] Only display special ranks to guests; no longer display normal ranks for guests (Bug #36735)
[Fix] Properly treat punctuation marks after local urls (Bug #37055)
[Fix] Make searching for members by YIM address work in prosilver
[Fix] Tell users to recreate the search index after changing the common word threshold for fulltext_native (Bug #36345)
[Fix] Adjusted phpbb_chmod() to always set permissions for group bit.
[Fix] Do not increment users post count after post approval if post had been posted in a forum with no post count increasing set (Bug #37865)
[Fix] Extend vertical line for last post column if no posts in forum (Bug #37125)
[Fix] correctly update last topic/forum information if changing guest usernames through editing posts (Bug #38095)
[Fix] fix postcount resync for situations where low and high post ids are higher than step value, resulting in users having 0 posts. (Bug #38195)
[Fix] Use a left join for the topics table on search to avoid trouble with FROM syntax on some databases (Bug #37005)
[Fix] Do not show 'Forward' button if the user cannot send PM's
[Change] Alllow applications to set custom module inclusion path (idea by HoL)
[Change] Handle checking for duplicate usernames in chunks (Bug #17285 - Patch by A_Jelly_Doughnut)
[Change] Better handling and finer control for custom profile fields visibility options. (Patch by Highway of Life)
[Change] Performance increase for format_date() (Bug #37575 - Patch by BartVB)
[Change] Changed prosilver date separator from 'on' to '»'
[Change] Performance increase for get_username_string() (Bug #37545 - Patch by BartVB)
[Change] Slight performance increase for common parameter calls to append_sid() (Bug #37555 - Patch by BartVB)
[Feature] Added 'AGO' setting to relative date strings. For example: posted 14 minutes ago. (Patch by BartVB)
[Sec] Fixed an issue where deactivated accounts could be re-activated without the required privileges. (Reported by Jorick)
[Sec] Ask for forum password if post within passworded forum quoted in private message. (Reported by nickvergessen)

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文章: 9858
註冊時間: 2003-12-05, 週五 4:27 PM
性別: 男
來自: 香港寶地上
稱號: 10歲打倒石石的
花名: 可愛的大雄
最愛: XBOX, 聊天, 看多啦A夢
狀態: 玩樂中
聲望值: 362

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